For HAIX, the topic of ‘sustainability’ means much more than ‘just’ paying attention to raw materials, products and production. For HAIX, ‘Made in Europe’ also means creating jobs in Europe, for seasoned professionals as well as for junior staff. The training of young people is an important focus. This starts with getting to know the company and being introduced to it through internships or the Adventure Days. It means acquiring technical and personal skills. The following rule applies in particular here – and not just for trainees: you are never alone at HAIX. There is always a contact person ready to offer help whenever you need it. Colleagues are there to support you and stand by your side. And if you enjoy your job, have career ambitions and are interested in Team HAIX, all routes to the top are open to you. Many former trainees have grown into management positions and even more will follow them. 65 apprentices are currently completing their training at HAIX, with 41 at the headquarters in Mainburg and 24 in Croatia. Young men and women are being trained as shoemakers, sellers, logisticians, media designers, e-commerce and IT specialists and in other professions. Practically all of them will be taken on after their training. That is sustainability ‘made by HAIX’. This is important to ensure production in Europe in the long term. Here is what the trainees have to say:

Apprenticeship at the plant Mainburg
- You joined HAIX in September 2021 as an apprentice shoemaker. How did you come to HAIX?
My brothers and I, we always wore HAIX shoes. So I applied to the company for an internship, then found out about the Adventure Days. I’ve always wanted to go into a skilled trade, too. Everything just fitted together. The Adventure Days were amazing. That’s when I realised I really liked what they were doing. It’s not as mainstream as elsewhere. That’s kind of crazy in a good way. You can feel comfortable there.
- What is your day-to-day work routine like?
Even in my first six months at HAIX, I got to move around a lot. I feel like I’ve been everywhere, in almost every department. In the stitching department I learned how to sew complex shafts and right now I’m working in the so-called intake department. That means preparing the work, providing soles, and so on. Sometimes it’s a lot of paperwork, but it’s exciting to see how each cog fits together in the production and how you yourself are part of it.
- Has it met your expectations?
Totally and completely! And what I didn’t expect was that sometimes you are asked by other departments, such as marketing, whether you would like to be part of one of their stories. It’s cool when you see your own face on a flyer, in a promotional campaign’s picture gallery, or in a social media story on the company account.
- What do you like about your training?
The comradery. We have great relationships with each other in production. There is always someone there for you when you need them. And we often meet after work as well.
- How much can you contribute your own ideas?
If I notice something is off in the work process, I can go to my bosses and discuss it with them. You can’t do that in design, of course, with a finished shoe model. But that’s exactly where I want to go, into design.
- Do you see your future there?
Yes! I would like to carry on. I am only 16. After the apprenticeship, I still need one year of work experience before I can go to the College of Footwear Design and Technology in Pirmasens. That’s a goal in itself. Even though I will have to move away for two years.
This year I would like to work in technical development and then shoe modelling at Pirmasens. I think HAIX is great at supporting young people and I have the opportunity to come back as well. HAIX keeps jobs open for its own people.
- Which position do you see yourself in in 5 years’ time?
Definitely in shoe design. Chief Modeller, that sounds good. But who knows? Shoemaking is the kind of job you forget is an option. But it’s such a cool profession. To develop your first shoe collection or your first combat boot in your early 20s would be the coolest thing ever.
- Do you have any tips for future colleagues?
Just get a taste of the company with an internship. When I was in the stitching department on my first day, I had very mixed feelings, but when you see how things come together in the next step, it suddenly becomes something completely different. When I was invited to the Adventure Days and met the people, I knew: this is it!
Apprenticeship at the plant Croatia
- You’ve been with HAIX for almost a year now. How did you hear about HAIX?
My mother has worked here for a few years. She’s told me a lot of positive things about Haix. Friends of mine who also completed an apprenticeship at Haix also spoke very positively about it, and since I’m interested in shoes anyway, I decided to do this apprenticeship.
- What does your current work look like?
I started in the sewing department this year and tried different work: sewing, gluing, ironing, etc. Sewing is the most interesting for me, but really I like doing everything.
- Is the work at Haix what you expected?
Yes, absolutely. Working at Haix is everything I imagined it would be.

- What do you like most?
The working atmosphere is just great. If I need help, there is always someone there to ask or who can help me.
- How can you contribute your own ideas?
My ideas? I would like to do one more year after the three years at the shoemaking college and earn the title of shoemaking technician. I think the chances of that are good.
- What are your goals for the future?
I can’t plan that far ahead at the moment. Let’s see. After training as a shoemaking technician, I would like to study some more.
- Which professional position would you like to be in in 5 years’ time?
I’m not sure yet. Like I say, I would like to study and then continue working in the area I enjoy the most.